Magazine touts P.C. metro growth potential | magazine, growth, potential - News - The News Herald
Business Facilities magazine has ranked Panama City number one in its list of the Top 10 Metro Areas for Economic Growth Potential in communities with populations less than 200,000.
Panama City was selected for economic initiatives, including the new Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport and the master planned communities surrounding West Bay, the magazine reported.
?Receiving this ranking will help global businesses and site consultants to better understand the community?s assets and verifies that others see our long-term future economic development potential as bright,? Economic Development Alliance Executive Director Janet Watermeier said in a news release.
This is the second time Panama City has been featured in Business Facilities magazine. In June, Panama City was selected for 2010?s Editor?s Location Picks. The magazine, with 43,000 subscribers and 29,000 opt-in e-newsletter readers, targets top-level executive in manufacturing, distributing, wholesale and other services.