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SoWal Expert
Aug 29, 2005
grapevine, tx. /On the road to SoWal
Ok...all you gourmets out there...
I need some new suggestions for low fat, quick, TASTY recipes. I can only eat so much grilled chicken...don't get me wrong, I like it, and I can whip up some pretty tasty salsas, etc. to top it, but I need some alternatives...I learned to cook "southern" and I must admit, that's what I like....not good for the old ticker though! :roll:

30A Skunkape

Jan 18, 2006
Backatown Seagrove
I have seen more good stuff with my patients when we don't get so hung-up on fat and instead concentrate on cutting simple sugars. I am amazed to see the weight loss and improvement in lipid panels. Talk to your doc and give it a try-look into old fashioned 'sugar busters' instead of atkins or south beach. And if nothing else, don't torture yourself with restrictions-try portion control :shock:


SoWal Expert
Aug 29, 2005
grapevine, tx. /On the road to SoWal
30A Skunkape said:
I have seen more good stuff with my patients when we don't get so hung-up on fat and instead concentrate on cutting simple sugars. I am amazed to see the weight loss and improvement in lipid panels. Talk to your doc and give it a try-look into old fashioned 'sugar busters' instead of atkins or south beach. And if nothing else, don't torture yourself with restrictions-try portion control :shock:

:eek: Portion control???:eek: Seriously, I hear ya. I've just found that personally, when I go low fat, I have the best luck. I'm not much for sugar really, despite what you might have read on this board..;-) ! And, south beach and atkins are just not for me, since I HATE eggs, don't love meat that much. I really think I could be a vegetarian if it weren't for pork roast (dang it Donna!) and bacon--:love: :D


SoWal Expert
Feb 15, 2005
30A Skunkape said:
I have seen more good stuff with my patients when we don't get so hung-up on fat and instead concentrate on cutting simple sugars. I am amazed to see the weight loss and improvement in lipid panels. Talk to your doc and give it a try-look into old fashioned 'sugar busters' instead of atkins or south beach. And if nothing else, don't torture yourself with restrictions-try portion control :shock:

Ah, Dr. Skunkape, you are on to something!:D A few years ago, my doctor said the same thing about the sugar busting. Stop the "white stuff"- refined sugars, flour, potatoes, white rice- anything white and starchy. She was right- it is the only thing that works for me, and I feel much better eating this way. You get to a point where it it not hard to turn down potato chips, fast food, and sugary sweets, and I crave fresh fruits and veggies. You are right about the portion control, and also, watch the fats at least a bit- cutting sugars does not give license to a 3 egg and bacon breakfast!

I tend to follow my doctor's advice- she is a walking testament of the benefits of taking care of oneself. She is 46, is careful about what she eats, practices daily yoga, into the soy thing (I"m working on this, but it grosses me out still), has never seen the sun (yeah, right), and is more beautiful now than she was at age 25 (I knew her then too). Somehow she has found a way to incorporate wine in her regimen with only positive results. I can't seem to perfect that one!

We don't cook alot of big meals anymore either- it is too easy to fall into the eating-too-much trap there. I fix something for the kids, then we eat salads, or sandwiches on low fat whole grain bread, or a pan of roasted veggies drizzled with balsamic vinegar,etc. Last night we picked at some peel-and-eat shrimp and tuna. We certainly don't look like supermodels, but we feel better!


Beach Fanatic
Jan 25, 2005
Napa Valley, CA
Our guy says the best bet is to shop only the outer areas of the supermarket, which are produce and dairy and fresh meats. All the processed food and sugar are in the middle, usually. We are having success in letting him do the shopping, finding that we save on grocery bills, have less waste, and fewer unhealthy impulse purchases as a result. Not to mention more time to go bicycling or to the gym.

Here is a delicious no-fat chocolate cake recipe that I devised some years ago. You can put this together in less than 10 minutes. The recipe has been printed twice in "Bon Appetit" magazine. Finding the recipe in the magazine, this little old lady from Sausalito used to call me every time she made it, often complaining that a family member had eaten the piece she hoped to save for herself at a later dinner. I always worried when she stopped calling and hoped that it was simply because she had finally figured out how to hide that extra slice! With all due respect to Miss Woodbury, this cake is best eaten on the day it is made. Here it is.

No-Fat Mocha Cake

1 cup all-purpose flour, sifted
1/3 cup, plus 1 Tbsp. unsweetened cocoa
1 tsp. instant espresso powder
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. baking powder
6 large egg whites
1 and 1/3 firmly-packed brown sugar
1 cup coffee flavored non-fat yogurt
1 tsp. vanilla extract

For the topping:

1 Tbsp. cocoa powder
1 tsp. powdered sugar
1/2 tsp cinnamon

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Spray a round cake pan with cooking spray and dust lightly with flour.

Sift together the flour, cocoa, baking soda and baking powder, then set aside. In a separate large bowl, beat the egg whites, brown sugar, yogurt, and vanilla extract until well blended. (You don't beat the egg whites until they are fluffy.) Add the dry mixture to the egg mixture with a large spatula, folding carefully but thoroughly. Pour the cake batter into the prepared cake pan and bake in the 350-degree oven for about 30 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. The cake should be somewhat "fudgy" instead of dry, not cracked on top. Allow cake to cool in the pan for about 15 minutes and then turn it out onto a serving platter or plate.

Sift the topping over the cake after it has cooled. You may wish to garnish the cake further with chocolate-covered espresso beans, which can be found at most candy or confectionary shops. We serve this cake with no-fat frozen vanilla yogurt, with coffee-flavored yogurt or ice cream, or with a Kahlua sauce (if you feel like gilding the lily a bit).

Serves 8.


SoWal Expert
Aug 29, 2005
grapevine, tx. /On the road to SoWal
Thanks, girls!! Jdarg, will try to incorporate yours and 30Askunkape's suggestions. Hmmmm...nothing white, huh?

Donna, the cake sounds great! Maybe for a special occasion (see above).
BR....the tacos sound good too! Will try later this week and report back.

Y'all are the best!


Darlene is my middle name, not my nickname
Dec 20, 2004
Lacey's Spring, Alabama
I have lost over 50 lbs. in the last year and a half following the suggestions that Jen-ay and the Ape (I just love to call you this. :)) have suggested. There are so many convience meals out there now dedicated to the whole grains, less sugar way of eating. If you haven't tried the new Lipton Pasta and Rice Sides made from whole grains, you should. They are very tasty and a great addition to any meal. Good Luck DD !!!!!


Aug 11, 2005
DD, I subscribe to Cooking Light magazine and I've had pretty good luck with their food. At the end of every recipe they print calories, fiber, fat, etc. so you always know where you stand before you start cooking and falling in love with some dish that's hopelessly calorific!


SoWal Expert
Feb 15, 2005
destindreamin said:
Thanks, girls!! Jdarg, will try to incorporate yours and 30Askunkape's suggestions. Hmmmm...nothing white, huh?

Donna, the cake sounds great! Maybe for a special occasion (see above).
BR....the tacos sound good too! Will try later this week and report back.

Y'all are the best!

This is another perfect example of Don't trust whitey.
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