Please contact Trees Plus as your one stop shop for clearing, site prep, tree preservation, landscaping, irrigation, hardscapes, etc. Check out & I would be happy to conduct site visit. Robstree
Please Contact Cole Services for a free Estimate on the residential lot site prep you are needing in the Seacrest Beach area. We are licensed, insured , and equipped to meet all of your needs.
Thank You,
Cole Services
I have an excellent sitework contractor that is licensed, insured, and equipped. Typically a lot in that area will be cleared, root-raked, and hauled away for $1,200 - $1,500. If you are paying more, something is wrong.
Thank you,
Lee Balkcom
Balkcom COnstruction Company, L.L.C.
Give us a call for any of your construction needs from lot clearing to the building of our home we can take care of you 850-230-8277. Lots in Seacrest should run between $1000-$2000.