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Beach Lover
May 26, 2009
Hi Sowal! I am getting ready to move to Houston and I am cleaning out some of my closets. I have a few things I would like to have picked up and given to a good cause. Does anyone know of a mission/helping hands company that will drive to Freeport? We are located in Windswept Estates. I would deliver to Goodwill but my schedule is very crazy right now. I have girls clothing, toys, crayons/markets, girls shoes, games, small white shelf with plastic bins (came from Target but needs to be cleaned), some pillows/blankets, etc. I will go through everything today and tomorrow. Please PM me. Thanks! :wave:

MiMi n MiRaMaR

Beach Lover
Jun 9, 2008
Call the Haven House. They are local!
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