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Beach Comber
Mar 11, 2008
So, I am stopped behind a car that is trying to turn into Angelinas for a nice dinner and when they turn and I start to drive again: I glance to my right to see a LOCAL BIKE RENTALS truck passing me on the bike path and cussing me while doing it.
I live right across the street from their shop so pulled in to ask him to be a little more careful and to keep in mind that my kids ride on that bike path... IT IS NOT FOR PASSING!
The driver whom we all know or have seen (as he lives in seagrove as well) makes the excuse that he has been dealing with traffic all day, so I reminded him that we have been waiting for these visitors for months.

Then I reminded him that my kids as well as others use that bike path... so his response is "I rent bikes on that path"
My response of course was: all the more reason why you should be respectful of it. When he realized that his argument was going nowhere the only response he had was: "I live in Seagrove how about you?"
Funny thing is that I have lived in and owned my house less than 200 yards from his store for 14 years and I have owned and operated businesses up and down 30A.

Ya'll don't see me posting on here often, but in this case I had to... we need to protect our visitors as well as locals that use that bike path and as business owners and employees we need to remember how much we depend on our visitors... without the traffic, none of us could afford to live here. I understand we all have bad days, but this gentleman went too far today and owes ALL of us a BIG APOLOGY!

Please everyone respect the safety of those bike paths and try to be safe and understanding when dealing with this traffic that we have all been waiting and praying for!!

Also please be aware that I did not name the business that operated the truck as my intent here was not to slam the business, but to create awareness!!!!!


Beach Comber
Aug 3, 2005
I saw this incident from across the street. I was a little shocked to see a local business owner act like he did. Good for you for keeping your cool...:clap:

Matt J

May 9, 2007
I would be careful about approaching said business owner in a negative manner. He has been known to verbally and physically assault customers. He needs some serious anger management counseling.
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Beach Lover
Aug 3, 2006
I see that guy all of the time ripping in and out of The Tom Thumb. I was kind of shocked by the way he was driving while pulling a trailer full of bikes!


Beach Fanatic
Nov 24, 2006
Where Free Speech Is Allowed
Sorry but this reminds me of a bumper sticker. If you don't like my driving stay off the sidewalk!:rotfl: As far as that stop in front of Whitney Bank an Angelina's I have been rearended there twice. Don't get any ideas Sowalgayboi!:yikes:


Beach Fanatic
Nov 30, 2005
Point Washington
Here are some specifics, firsthand account-style.

After Katrina, I lived in Seagrove for three months. I decided I'd like to have a bike. Skunky called to get prices for a monthly rental and was told $60/month. He agreed to this price, and told the person to call me to arrange a delivery time on Monday. A time needed to be scheduled so I'd be there, have the money ready, etc. I'm in the shower Monday morning when he shows up without calling. He beats on the door, and since I'm living there alone and am not expecting him I'm not about to throw on a robe and go to the door -- I had no idea who it was.

He left no note or anything. I went out that afternoon to For the Health of It, and noticed Big Daddy's had a really cute bike that cost $35 more than the rental, and I'd be able to keep it. I bought the bike.

The next day, the bike rental guy shows up again without calling and knocks on the door and because I'm upstairs, living alone and am used to New Orleans where you never answer the door for strangers, I don't go down. The beating on the door actually kind of scares me. He finally leaves, and about thirty minutes later I get this voicemail calling me all sorts of names and telling me I should at least have the consideration to open the door and tell him I didn't want the bike anymore because he's wasted all this time and gas driving (like 2 miles, max) out to the house. He knew I was in the house and avoiding him, etc. It was really ugly.

I wrote a note to the manager/owner (never imagining it was the same person) apologizing for his wasted time and gas, but reminding him that he was supposed to call to arrange a time to drop off the bike, and explaining that I'd been scared, that my bike had been stolen in New Orleans and the new bike was almost the same as a rental, and apologized for the wasted time and gas despite the fact that he didn't call first as we'd agreed. I enclosed a check for $6 for his gas, as a sarcastic gesture. He cashed it.

I just wanted to put this out there, because I don't think SWGB was trying to bash anyone without reason. And again, we haven't even named the business we are talking about. If people know who we're referencing, it's because of the reputation.

Matt J

May 9, 2007
I would be careful about approaching said business owner in a negative manner. He has been known to verbally and physically assault customers. He needs some serious anger management counseling.

Originally I was going to remove the middle statement, however this particular owner did verbally assault me on several occasions. He had been putting his magnets on every rental he could find on 30A. The company I worked for at the time had been told by another rental manager that he had physically assaulted a guest because he wanted the bike rented to them back. We had made the decision to no longer hand out his information and remove any from our rentals. On a routine inspection of a unit I noticed that the entire complex had been covered in magnets and door hangers. I began removing them from my rental units only when he pulled into the parking lot. Even though he watched me go to certain units only and remove the magnets and flyers he began yelling at me from the parking lot. I ignored him as I didn't think he would appreciate me yelling back that I was taking them off due to his pending assault charges and overall bad attitude towards customers. I went down to the ground floor with the materials in hand (I had originally planned to throw them away, but since he was there I would offer them back to him) and met him mid way as I was walking towards him and he was (actually) charging towards me. I explained that those rental units did not need the advertising as our company had a preferred vendor and offered his magnets and flyers back. At this point he started screaming, cussing, and flailing his arms. He shouted that this was illegal (funny as the complex has a no solicitation policy) and that he would get me fired. I offered back his materials which he snatched from my hands and continued screaming. I simply headed toward my truck in a very brisk manner as he was only escalating. In short I'm sure if I had been rude, smart, or confrontational it would have become physical. I don't know this business owner, nor would I want too, but the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge.

I have seen the exact same truck and bike trailer cut people off, honk and scream at people for not moving or turning fast enough, and I have seen the difference first hand of his "customer service" versus any of the reputable bike shops on 30A. I have watched him snatch monies out of people's hand and throw the bikes, locks, and helmets off the trailer only to screech his tires as he pulled away. Meanwhile other bike rental companies I have seen take the time to unload all the bikes, make any adjustments neccessary, and show the renters how to use and operate the bikes.

In short based on my personal experience it continues to defy logic that this person can remain in business.


Beach Crab
Mar 25, 2008
My name is Kevin Mckee and I own BigFish Bike Rentals, Inc. 4042 E. Co. Hwy 30-A...My partner came to me this morning and asked if I had anything to do with this incident that was originally spoke of on here...Being confused because I dont read or post on these type of sites I said that I did get in an argument with some guy yesterday evening...Well, I got an earful from her, my wife, my wife, and then my wife again!

I thought to myself that when I was finished working today that I would check out what all the talk was about...Now that I'm on here I cannot believe my eyes...As far as the original incident goes I am not gonna get into an argument on a public forum where there are two sides to every story...And this one is one of those...

So instead of doing that I will play the guilty party and accept responsibility for my terrible driving...I know a lot of those people down here and all over the states for that matter...So say I did what you claim and tried to pass you on the bike path...

Just how many people on here haven’t went around someone quickly on the bike path? And if you say you haven't you’re being completely untruthful...How many of you have had an argument with another driver on the road and later felt bad and knew you were in the wrong? How many?

As far as all this other stuff that has been written on here, I am in awe at the stories and presumptions to who I am...I’ve never had arguments with people in parking lots and physically touched another human being over magnets and marketing materials...Nor have I ever physically attacked anyone especially my customers since I was a teenager and I happen to be 35 years old...

I have one of the most impeccable reputations on 30-A for service to my customers...I take immense pride in my company and the product and service I supply...Now there does happen to be another renter of bicycles about 3 blocks down the road from me who does physically threaten his customers and anyone else who happens to piss him off...

See, this is the problem with a posting like this Coaster11...People automatically associate every bad memory they have whether it was me or anyone else involved...I told everyone who I was from the beginning of this reply because I firmly stand behind what I am saying here and have nothing to hide...But you on the other hand choose to hide behind your veil of anonymity (check out his sign up date) and take a chance of ruining a reputation I have worked for almost nine years to build just because your mad at my driving!

What if someone I had a large account with was a regular on here and I lost it because of your one sided story? I have a beautiful wife and 2 wonderful children to support...You must be the type of person that complains to a servers manager and gets them fired because they got your order wrong...And maybe they were just having a bad night...

If your intent was to bring awareness and not slander why did you even mention the type of vehicle, where the business was in location to where you live, whether I was male or female, I could go on and on...(again I mention your sign up date)No, you were purposely trying to make me the point of your posting...and yes notnkansas,

I rip out of the tom thumb with a trailer full of bikes most everyday and will continue to do so because I have hundreds of anxious customers who want their bike yesterday...I have been driving for over 20 years and have yet to ever and I mean ever have a wreck...I watch for children non-stop because I am on the road all day every day...they are my first thought as I pull out everyday...does that mean I cant rev my V8 and skirk the tires while there's none around?

Absolutely not...Its real easy for all of you to stand back and judge...But maybe you should all take a look at yourselves and your holier than thou attitudes before you start preaching to me...I run a successful business and that could not be so if the things that are stated in this posting were true...I have lots of friends and acquaintances here and have never been as angry at local trash talking as I am right now...

Some of the statements on here could destroy someone’s reputation for a long time...before you say things so damaging you should find out the facts first!

My name is Kevin McKee and I’m a bad driver...So tell me something I don’t know! Sorry...But I’m not the person you guys are talking about in here...and if this goes any farther I might seek legal counsel because the accusations on this topic toward me is flat unbelievable...By the way, If I am unapproachable because I am so dangerous why did this guy follow me for block after block trying to argue with me and I not "assault" him?

You all should be ashamed...you just dont realize what damage these kind of statements can do...I will not come back in here or post again...I expect that if Mr. coaster11 has an issue with me he can come to my very public shop and talk to me like a man instead of trying to make me look bad on here.
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