www.sowalscene.com, another site with local flavor, did a wonderful piece about me and my book for their website and it was put online today. Everyone ought to go and check it out. I have been immensely impressed with the level of support and kindness by the locals in the area.This part of the country is definately a melting pot and the mixture is absolutely simmering with stimulation. I thank all of you for your support.You can visit me at my website www.MyspaceHerspace.com or at my MySpace page www.myspace.com/myspaceherspace My book is available on amazon, bn.com and at Sundog books and other bookstores. It's a Romance with an erotic flavor and a love story you won't be able to peel away from. I hope you will check out my snake pictures too if you aren't afraid to look. I have some on this site in my profile. I just love nature and this area is full of it. Well remember, sowalscene.com today. Thanks! Michael Ferguson