What can we do to make this happen? This solution to help the small businesses makes the most sense. The restaurants and retail stores along 30A work their bums off to cater to the visitors while they collect the taxes/revenues that can be used immediately in the form of grants. The small business owners and their employees need to unite to rally for these grants to keep these businesses from going under...they’ve got the time! Most importantly they earned it!The county has $75 million in reserves they are apparently saving for end times. Those funds have to little to no laws governing their use especially in a federal and state declared emergency.
Apply to get on the agenda for the next BCC meeting.What can we do to make this happen? This solution to help the small businesses makes the most sense. The restaurants and retail stores along 30A work their bums off to cater to the visitors while they collect the taxes/revenues that can be used immediately in the form of grants. The small business owners and their employees need to unite to rally for these grants to keep these businesses from going under...they’ve got the time! Most importantly they earned it!