On Saturday, Oct. 19, ages 4 to 11 are encouraged to grab a pole and support Captain Anderson’s Marina in its mission to get every pole in Bay County and the surrounding area in the water as part of the 2013 Panama City Beach Annual Seafood & Music Festival.
KID’s FREE Dockside Bay Fishing at Historic Grand Lagoon
Saturday, October 19, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
(Parents must be present at all times, bring your camera!)
~ Sign up will begin at 9:00 am behind Capt. Anderson’s Restaurant
(may sign up groups of 8 or more for specific time frame
~ All gear, bait & tackle provided
~ No fishing license required
~ Catch and Release only
~ 10-15 minute time limit (or until fish caught – whichever comes first!)
~ Rags and Hand sanitizer provided
~ Kids will receive a “Special Certificate” when finished fishing
~ Children may return to end of line and fish again!
For more information about these and other waterfront activities at the 2013 Panama City Beach Seafood & Music Festival, log on www.captandersonsmarina.com.