So, as I was saying, Freeport, while not there yet, may be the place to eat in the near future as we see more SoWal restaurants phase out. Yesterday, I took my book to... just kidding, I dined at JB's Chinese Buffet in Freeport. I must say that as I pulled into the parking lot, I was very curious, and ready to leave if necessary, as to the menu items. I have been expecting Mr. Redneck, aka "J.B.", to rear his head. The outer glass mirrored walls next to the future Men's Gym, were filled with fake spray-painted snow. I just knew JB was looking at me as I stood outside reading through the menu items posted in the window. I thought to myself, "you never know until you try." Still to this day, one of my favorite country cooking meet and three's is one I found on a whim, by simply pulling off the road filled with fast food joints, the K&S in Greenville, SC. Anyway, this opening is longer than the actual review. I opened the door to JB's Chinese Buffet, and low and behold, I was greeted by a cute Chinese girl. "Where is JB?" I ask myself. I now think that JB is maybe Jackie Ban. The place was decorated as Oriental as every other Chinese restaruant in America. Surprise! The food was also identical to every Chinese restaurant in America. If you like fried Oriental food, JB's is the place to be. I find it amazing that American corporations like McDonald's spend millions of dollars with a focus on consistency, and yet numerous Chinese restaurants scattered across the good ole US of A share the same menu items, although they don't belong to the same corporation. Maybe the US can take notes and learn a little something from these guys.
To the food, the food was good, not great but good, and I will go back. Where else can you eat as much as you want, including dessert, and be out the door under eight bucks including a 40% tip? Those places are few and far between. Personally, I think I could eat the $5.40 worth of egg roles alone.
The service was as great as every other Chinese restaurant in America -- outstanding!
Notes: if you are hungry and on the way to SoWal, feel free to get your fill at JB's. It may not be the Royal Orchid, but it is pretty darn good, and beets the heck out of the Freeport Hardee's, Subway, Cafe, and the other restaurant whose name I can never remember. I still have not eaten at Nug's Deli in Freeport, but maybe it is next on the list when I visit Freeport.
I will remind you that if you eat at JB's everyday, you may end up being a few sizes larger than your current size -- the food is mostly fried. Good on occasion, but you not do your body justice to eat there too often.
For what it is, I give JB's a surprising 4.0 on a scale of 5.
To the food, the food was good, not great but good, and I will go back. Where else can you eat as much as you want, including dessert, and be out the door under eight bucks including a 40% tip? Those places are few and far between. Personally, I think I could eat the $5.40 worth of egg roles alone.
The service was as great as every other Chinese restaurant in America -- outstanding!
Notes: if you are hungry and on the way to SoWal, feel free to get your fill at JB's. It may not be the Royal Orchid, but it is pretty darn good, and beets the heck out of the Freeport Hardee's, Subway, Cafe, and the other restaurant whose name I can never remember. I still have not eaten at Nug's Deli in Freeport, but maybe it is next on the list when I visit Freeport.
I will remind you that if you eat at JB's everyday, you may end up being a few sizes larger than your current size -- the food is mostly fried. Good on occasion, but you not do your body justice to eat there too often.
For what it is, I give JB's a surprising 4.0 on a scale of 5.