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SoWal Expert
Feb 15, 2005
There are some super- cool kids at SWHS, that are giving their time and effort to help others. Jewel Carol is one of them, and she emailed me the info below regarding the Invisible Children and a movie next week in Niceville. Please see the info below and pass it on if you know anyone who would be interested!

Thanks Jewel and the other kids at SWHS who are "doing good works".:clap:I hope y'all are doing another jello fight this year- count me in (as a spectator!).
[FONT=&quot]If I remember correctly, back in December of '10 you helped spread the word of SWHS' Jell-o fight via SoWal. It was such a huge help in the success of that day and I appreciate it beyond comprehension. As I'm positive you know, that was a fundraiser for a program called "Invisible Children," which focuses on ending Africa's longest running war and bringing home the child soldiers who are forced to fight in it. The amount of school spirit that was generated through the Invisible Children chapter at SWHS was incredible, and so knowing that the youth is on board, I think it's about time we step it up and reach out to those who may not have a connection with SWHS.
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[FONT=&quot]Next week could very well be a big week for this area as well as for those experiencing the war in eastern central Africa. On Thursday the 29, beginning at 5 PM at the Niceville United Methodist Church, we are putting on a screening for Invisible Children.
[FONT=&quot] . At the screening you will viewing a documentary produced by Invisible Children called, "Tony." The film outlines the life of LRA survivor, Tony Bazilo (Who happens to be one of the funniest and most caring people I know! I love him to pieces!) and details the current horrors of Africa's longest running war to this day. It will also outline our current efforts and plans of ending this terrible war and bringing home the child soldiers peacefully. In addition to seeing the documentary, you will also hear from young activists much like myself who have given up all they have and fled from their homes from across the nation to travel in tight vans and live day-by-day to spread the word of this war. These people are called "Roadies" and have fundraised thousands of dollars each to make it possible for them to reach those who need to be reached. They have gone through extreme training and know the war inside and out. Alongside the American Roadies, you will be able to speak face-to-face with the children themselves who have lived through this war. At the screening in Niceville, there will be a girl named Agnes Aromorach. Agnes just turned 23 on the 18th of this month and has been submerged in this 25-year-long war since birth. She has known nothing but atrocity after atrocity up until this point, and she is now dedicating all she has towards saving the lives of her brothers, sisters, best friends, Mommy, Daddy, Grandpa, doctor, neighbor.. and so many more. By attending this screening you would be making it that much more possible for sweet Agnes to see her family surrounded in serenity. Being as this is all about spreading the word and raising awareness, feel free to bring as many friends/guests as you wish![/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]Entrance to the screening is completely free, but they will be accepting donations and will be selling merchandise including bags/purses handmade by women who has escaped the LRA which held them hostage as sex slaves and slaughter dummies, T-shirts made of 100% organic cotton grown in Uganda, bracelets accompanied by DVDs each color telling the tale of a different child who has suffered beyond our imagination, and copies of every documentary in Invisible Children's collection. The proceeds will go directly towards the cause and will NOT be put into somebody's pocket. Invisible Children is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization.[/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]I am not sure if you are familiar with Niceville, but if you happen to know where the Niceville High School is, it is across the street from there. If you have a GPS or would like to MapQuest it, the address is:[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] 214 Parton Drive South[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Niceville, FL 32578[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Thank you soooooo, so much for taking the time to read this, and please please please consider joining us next Thursday evening! Remember, there will always be a million reasons not to do something, and this type of opportunity rolls around very seldom. [/FONT]
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PM me with any questions and I will pass you on to Jewel.
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