Hello Gidget,
I'm in same zip in Pt. Washington and had only MediaCom & Embarq to choose from when I moved here in May. The reviews of Mediacom were not very impressive (use Search function to find more threads about it) so I used Embarq.
Its actually been very good, I run three MacIntosh computers and one PC through my Linksys on it, using the 'most popular choice' they offer, even though they'll try for a bigger upgrade it doesnt seem necessary. I'll look up the name of that option for you. You'll need to bundle a phone line with them too, which I remember as about $29.99. I think my total bill is $80 for both?
No cable out here, just satellite options, I think DirecTV looks like the way I'll end up going (Football necessity) You may have other options in your area.