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Alice McCall

Beach Comber
I wanted to let everyone know about my next workshop in the area, ?Optimize You!?

It is an expanded energy workshop, which focuses on learning more about your chakras, in practical terms. We will work on cleansing, balancing, and tuning your major chakras in a series of guided meditations. This work will be reinforced with guided imagery, breath work, and time for personal reflection, journaling and meaningful affirmations that will help maintain the health of your chakras.

This is a great workshop whether you are new to the idea of chakras or need an energy tune up.

You will leave feeling renewed and revitalized!
Dec 8th, 9am-1pm
$50 ? includes snack
Santa Rosa Beach

To register:
Call 850-622-0548
Reservations Required

In case you aren?t familiar with the idea, Chakras are our body?s energy centers. (There is a lot of information on the internet about the philosophy and history of chakras.) The main purpose of this workshop is to offer a clearing of these energy centers. Our chakras are kind of akin to our energy filters and it is important to have those filters routinely cleaned!

Many people report higher energy levels, increased creativity, increased intuition, and so much more after experiencing chakra work.

Feel free to ask me any questions. I will check back soon.

P.S. I recently updated my website with lots of upcoming events!
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