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Jackson Duggan

Beach Crab
Apr 22, 2018
Inlet Beach
The secuirty is directly told by the Rosemary POA to target employee vehicles to ticket you even if you haven’t violated any rules.

I have parked in the designated employee parking and still received tickets. So if you are looking for a job here plan on paying a good portion of your paychecks on tickets.

If you try to repeal tickets they come back with a BS excuse. And still force you to pay them for a made up rule for the day and how you violated parking.

Fortunately if you have an out of state tag Rosemary doesn’t ticket you because they think you are a renter. They only target locals and employees. So if you want to work in Rosemary plan on parking in seacrest, inlet, or 30A avenue to avoid any tickets.

bob bob

Beach Fanatic
Mar 29, 2017
Even builders and contractors in Rosemary get no parking. Where is employee parking and where do you work?

Matt J

May 9, 2007
I guess Faherty Brand clothing isn't offering quality or sufficient parking for their employees.
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