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SoWal Expert
May 8, 2007
In the interests of diversity in my wallet, I need a new credit card that isn't a VISA. (Plus I'm mad at them for instituting a new 1% charge on transactions in foreign countries).

Can anyone recommend a card that has no fees/transaction charges, is accepted many places, and has good customer service?

The card would only be used for travel/emergencies and would be paid off immediately, so points/FF miles/balance transfer deals are not a big factor.


SoWal Insider
Jun 13, 2005
In the interests of diversity in my wallet, I need a new credit card that isn't a VISA. (Plus I'm mad at them for instituting a new 1% charge on transactions in foreign countries).

Look here for info about International Transaction Fees: http://www.cardratings.com/creditcardforeignexchangefees.html

Look here for info on choosing credit cards: http://www.cardratings.com/searchfr.html

Some credit card companies are now facing the same 'credit crunch/failure to pay' problems that's working its way through the world of mortgages and car loans--even if you select a card with no(or low) fees, that doesn't mean it will hold true tomorrow.

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