FEB 1 | 2PM - 4PM
The Hidden Lantern Bookstore in Rosemary Beach will host noted nutrition expert, award-winning journalist + television personality CAROLYN O’NEIL MS, RD + her refreshing food philosophy — the more you know, the more you can eat. O’Neil reported on food + travel at CNN for nearly 20 years + is the author of the new release Slim Down South: Eating Well and Living Healthy in the Land of Biscuits and Bacon (Oxmoor House).
In conjunction with Rosemary Beach’s ninth annual Girls’ Getaway weekend, The Hidden Lantern Bookstore will host this special guest foodie for a presentation + author signing event on Feb 1, from 2PM – 4PM. It is open to the public, so do come! And, the delectable bites below from O’Neil’s new book should without a doubt persuade!
O’Neil previously co-authored The Dish on Eating Healthy and Being Fabulous! (Simon & Schuster, Atria Books) — Winner “Best Health and Nutrition Book” at the World Feel Media awards.
Signed copies of Slim Down South: Eating Well and Living Healthy in the Land of Biscuits and Bacon can be reserved in advance for pick-up at a later date. Please contact the bookstore for details prior to the event.
FEB 1 | 2PM - 4PM

The Hidden Lantern Bookstore in Rosemary Beach will host noted nutrition expert, award-winning journalist + television personality CAROLYN O’NEIL MS, RD + her refreshing food philosophy — the more you know, the more you can eat. O’Neil reported on food + travel at CNN for nearly 20 years + is the author of the new release Slim Down South: Eating Well and Living Healthy in the Land of Biscuits and Bacon (Oxmoor House).
In conjunction with Rosemary Beach’s ninth annual Girls’ Getaway weekend, The Hidden Lantern Bookstore will host this special guest foodie for a presentation + author signing event on Feb 1, from 2PM – 4PM. It is open to the public, so do come! And, the delectable bites below from O’Neil’s new book should without a doubt persuade!
O’Neil previously co-authored The Dish on Eating Healthy and Being Fabulous! (Simon & Schuster, Atria Books) — Winner “Best Health and Nutrition Book” at the World Feel Media awards.
Signed copies of Slim Down South: Eating Well and Living Healthy in the Land of Biscuits and Bacon can be reserved in advance for pick-up at a later date. Please contact the bookstore for details prior to the event.