Activists unite on beach in protest against oil drilling - South Florida -
Dressed in black, some 200 people stood hand in hand on South Beach on Saturday afternoon, raising and lowering their arms as surfers behind them rode the waves.
The activists wanted to make a wave or two of their own, hoping their message against oil drilling would crest upon leaders in Tallahassee.
The 10-minute display of solidarity, known as Hands Across the Sand, was replicated on other beaches along the state's east and west coasts.
The protest will be one of many demonstrations as oil drilling resurges as an issue locally and nationally, said Michael Laas, a spokesman for the Miami chapter of the Surfrider Foundation. The nonprofit was one of a slew of environmental organizations ashore for the event.
In Key West, more than 400 people formed a human sign on Smathers Beach. The people made a circle and inside it spelled out DRILL, with a line through the word.