Here are some pics from Ed Walline. Great turnout!
Also posted a link to more:
Picasa Web Albums - Bobby - Hands across ...
Ha! I see me! I hate crowds but this is important enough that I came out anyway.
Here are some pics from Ed Walline. Great turnout!
Also posted a link to more:
Picasa Web Albums - Bobby - Hands across ...
Here's my pics
Blue Mountain Beach
Hands Across The Sand
February 13, 2010
One More Reason Oil Spills Are Bad: Surface Cleanup can Make it Worse for Fish Below
by Michael Graham Richard, Ottawa, Canada on 04.13.09
Travel & Nature
Buzz up!
oil spill cleanup
Photo: Getty
Out of Sight, Out of Mind, Right?
A study published in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry points to something pretty shocking: One of the usual methods of cleaning up an oil spill can help save birds and marine animals on the surface of the water, but it makes things worse for life below. The culprits are chemical dispersing agents that are used to make the oil "bead up into tiny droplets that can mix into the water and disperse into deeper layers. Underwater currents can then theoretically dilute the oil and its risk to the environment."
But while these detergent-based chemicals might look like they make a big difference to use, looking at the scene from above the water, they can apparently cause lots of harm to fish.
From Discovery News:
Dispersion spares surface-dwelling animals, such as birds and otters. But as oil drifts downward, it falls on fish and on the eggs that are stuck to surfaces or buried in the sediment.
To find out just how dangerous dispersed oil might be to fish, Hodson and colleagues performed a series of laboratory experiments with beakers that were meant to simulate contaminated lakes. In all of the beakers, the scientists mixed water with diesel oil, then added newly hatched trout embryos. In some beakers, the scientists added a dispersing agent. [...]
Exposure to dispersed oil doesn't kill a lot of fish, Hodson added. Instead, it either kills eggs before they hatch or leads to damage or deformities in juvenile fish. Compared to the horrifying appearance of oil-drenched birds on beaches, it can be hard to catch the attention of the public -- or even of cleanup managers -- with such subtle and hidden health effects.
"What he's saying, and he's correct, is that it could be way more fish fingerlings or eggs that are impacted than you'd ever impact birds," Kinner said. "It kind of adds fuel to the discussion."
It promises to be one of the hot topics during the upcoming session of the Florida Legislature: a debate over opening up the Florida coast to oil and gas drilling.
Last weekend, thousands of people gathered at 80 different beaches for Hands Across the Sands, a rally organized against drilling.
A final tally isn?t available, but turnout was well into the thousands, said founding organizer Dave Rauschkolb.
The largest gathering, between St. Pete Beach and Desoto, included 2.500 people and featured speeches from both Democratic and Republic officials who support maintaining the ban. At least 400 people turned out at Seaside Beach on the Panhandle, the beach closest to Rauschkolb. And there are scores of photos on Facebook featuring the crowds at the 80 different beaches.
?We were extremely pleased with the turnout statewide because it was so cold,? he said. ?This was the largest gathering united against oil drilling and it?s my belief that ppeople who want oil drilling are in the minority in Florida.?
Opponents include environmental groups, but also virtually every Chamber of Commerce in the Panhandle, where business leaders are worried about the impact to Florida?s treasured tourism economy (which in 2008 amounted to $65.2 billion in tourist spending and $3.9 billion in tourism tax sales revenues). Dozens of city and county governments ? from Cocoa Beach to Clearwater to the Keys to Destin have also passed resolutions against oil drilling.
Meanwhile, in Tallahassee, the oil drilling push hasn?t abated. On Wednesday, the general government policy council of the state Legislature just passed House Memorial 563. You can read the full bill text here, but essentially, it?s a statement to the U.S. Congress supporting the end of the moratorium against drilling in federal waters off Florida. There is a companion bill in the Senate (Senate Memorial 1726) but no schedule yet as to when either body could take up the bill.
Rauschkolb said he was disappointed the measure is moving along in Tallahassee, showing that there are lawmakers who disregard the thousands who protested oil drilling just a few days before. ?The words Memorial are fitting because this could truly be a ?Memorial? signaling a death knell to our beautiful, pristine coastline and waters and a serious threat to our valuable tourism industry,? he said. ?This is a fight for Florida?s Soul. ?
As a sidenote, while the Chambers of Commerce in the Panhandle are aligning against oil drilling, one high profile proponent of drilling backed the end of the moratorium in Daytona Beach. In a sold-out speech to the Daytona Regional Chamber of Commerce, former Alaskan governor, former vice-presidential candidate and best-selling author Sarah Palin voiced her support for drilling offshore Florida. Her comments: ?Someone said a tourist wouldn?t like seeing an oil drill so close to the beach, but I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder. That drill produces for America. It produces jobs.? That statement drew a round of applause during the dinner, which included the top business leaders in a city, and region, that depends on the tourist dollar.
Thanks for posting this. I had wondered about this more than once when listening to news reports of oil spill "cleanups".