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Susan Horn

Beach Fanatic
from Audubon Society

National Audubon Society: Email - Advocate: Human Chain Creates Line Around Florida

Thousands of people at scores of locations throughout Florida showed up to hold hands and form a human chain to protect Florida's beaches. Images of people standing in bright, cold weather showed that communities from the Keys to the Panhandle are united in opposition to proposals to open Florida's nearshore waters to drilling.

In the meantime the House continues its stubborn slog toward crafting legislation that grants leases to Texas wildcatters to explore and drill for oil in Florida's nearshore waters. Last week Speaker Designate Dean Cannon held a committee hearing where the Coast Guard testified on cleaning up oil spills and a compelling presentation conveyed the threat leasing and pipelines may pose to future sand management of Florida's eroding beaches.


SoWal Expert
May 8, 2007
What a great event! :clap:

It was wonderful to see so many friends and neighbors (more than 350 at my location) coming out to the beach to support this!

Hope it sent a very clear message to the politicians that offshore oil drilling in Florida is NOT what the voters want!

Kudos to Dave for organizing such a wonderful event! :love:


Beach Fanatic
Oct 10, 2005
..and to the Surfriders...I am so impressed with this group--they were all over the state organizing this event.

Where/how can I become an associate member? The days of my thinking about hopping on a surfboard are 'way past, but I would love to support their cause as a thank you for all they did, and will do, for "Hands"


Staff member
Oct 15, 2004
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