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SoWal Guide
Staff member
Nov 15, 2004
South Walton, FL
Grayton Beer Company Announces 3rdAnnual Grayt Holiday Market
Now accepting vendor applications

Grayton Beer Company will host their 3rd Annual Grayt Holiday Market on Saturday, December 1, 2018, from 10AM to 4PM. In addition to vendors, the event will include festive craft beers as well as the local brewery’s year-round styles, an appearance by Santa and food for purchase by Grayton Beer Brewpub.

The 3rd Annual Grayt Holiday Market will be held in tandem with the Taproom’s regularly scheduled Dog Days Are (R)over where patrons who bring in their dog receive 10% off their tab.

Come out for some grayt holiday shopping and hang out with friends in the Tap Room. Always the perfect spot to see everyone and enjoy some holiday cheer!

The local brewery is currently accepting applications for local vendors, artists and merchants who are interested in selling their handmade goods during the event. A vendor fee of $50 is required in advance. All vendors are required to provide their own 6’ table and 10x10 tent. For more information, please email Chelsea@GraytonBeer.com or call (850) 399-7004.

Grayton Beer Holiday Market 2018 (Large).jpg
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