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We have been getting innumberable calls from visiting folks who, apparently, are pulling up in their cars in front of the old House of Art only to find that it is closed. These are normally fairly frantic sort of calls and as they are forwarded to my studio, they are even more confused when I answer the phone. So.......obviously we have not done a terrific job spreading the word as to the state of the House of Art, so here is the straight stuff and we apologize for appearing apathetic or lackadaisical with regard to information.

We will be reopening the gallery sometime in May. How's that? Of course, those of you that have been by, will be shaking your heads and wondering how, but that's really not the point. The owner of the building says she has applied some not-insignificant, yet measured slapping of face and lip area to one each: recalcitrant builder and truculent architect. She has also assumed a somewhat strident position on this timeline and as I already have a wife to argue with, I find myself hardly in a position to venture into another fray. May it is and so there.

Now this gallery won't be exactly like the old one was, in that the only art that will be displayed in the new gallery will just have one artist. This is not intended to be some grand egomaniacal endeavor; in fact, just the opposite. I am not organized enough to have other people's art. I can barely keep up with my own. My wife is organized with such things, but I don't want to be. Tentatively, the new gallery will be open on a regular, albeit varied, basis. Basically, it will be open when I am not on the water fishing. We have expanded Angry Fish Charters (my real job) to include three guides, a fleet of boats and all that that entails, and I sort of have to pay attention to that.

In the meantime, many of the artists that were represented in the House of Art have migrated up the road to the Hula Girl Gallery. Hopefully soon we can put up an illegal sign in front of the old place, with directions to the other gallery, in order to prevent tourist meltdowns from occurring right there in the parking lot.

Debbie Layne owns the Hula Girl Gallery and she may be reached at 231.6201.

Should you need to reach either my wife or myself, please don't hesitate to email us, phone us, or employ the use of semaphore flags and we will respond as soon as time allows.

It's fishing season. "Be the bait, Danny".

www.angryfishcharters.com www.gordiehinds.com


Staff member
Oct 15, 2004
Thanks Gordie,

Are you saying your new gallery will be in the same building?

I moved your photos in the gallery to your own category under "members' albums". You can still upload to the main gallery if you want, or to your own album.

You can also add subcategories in your album. For instance, you could have one for art, one for fishing, one for a particular trip, types of fish, etc.

Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
Congratulations Gordie,
From the moment I fisrt saw your painting, I new you had awesome talent. Your art is something else, and I one day hope to own a Gordie myself. Where is the new gallery which you will open? Is it in Kay Laurant's old house in Grayton?


Staff member
Oct 15, 2004
angryfishcharters said:
Thank you and yes, it will be located in the very same location as the previous house of art.......although there will be other businesses in the building as well.......real estate agency and an architect I believe.

Hmmmm . . . artist, fisherman, architect, realtor . . . are they all you?

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:


Staff member
Oct 15, 2004
Smiling JOe said:
Sounds like a combo package of Gordie and Lisa.

It sounds like that but the realtor isn't Lisa. The realtor in the building will have to be careful. :evil:

Just kidding - they're friends.


Beach Fanatic
Nov 25, 2004
My ears were burning....guess I should check this board more often now that my "better" half has found it!

One of us is TOO busy to read on a daily basis....care to guess which?




Staff member
Oct 15, 2004
Lisa_at_the_beach said:
My ears were burning....guess I should check this board more often now that my "better" half has found it!

One of us is TOO busy to read on a daily basis....care to guess which?



Please PM me with real estate bargains. :rotfl:


SoWal Expert
Feb 15, 2005
I remember the mention that there would be an article on Gordie in the Oct. 2005 issue of Coastal Living magazine- I have ripped that thing apart and can't find anything! Did anyone see it? Did it get moved to another issue? Did someone sabotage my magazine?
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