The grand opening of the 30A Business Center will be in The Village of South Walton in Suite F107 on Saturday, October 5 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The 30A Business Center will provide temporary office space and services for neighbors and visitors that must have a space to take care of that business situation that just can't wait or those who need a quiet place to work on their computer or make that important phone call. The center will offer Wi-Fi, private telephone lines, copy, FAX and scan service, as well as "9 to 5" staff service and many more office services.
A conference room seating up to 12 people will be available for conference phoning, power point presentations, slide presentations or laying out large house plans or Blue prints of any kind.
Come check out the 30A Business Center to see where you could hold your next meeting.
The Village of South Walton is in Seacrest Beach. It's the same center as Seacrest Sundries, La Cocina, Emerald Coast Wine and Spirits, and more!
A conference room seating up to 12 people will be available for conference phoning, power point presentations, slide presentations or laying out large house plans or Blue prints of any kind.
Come check out the 30A Business Center to see where you could hold your next meeting.
The Village of South Walton is in Seacrest Beach. It's the same center as Seacrest Sundries, La Cocina, Emerald Coast Wine and Spirits, and more!