thank your gc superintendent for that!Windswept dunes golf club in freeport is in beautiful shape and offering great deals for locals... 4somes for $160... Locals for $45... Come check us out.... 850-835-1847
I stopped coming a couple years ago when you raised your rates. Did you ever complete your clubhouse?
raised our rates? our rates were $78 when we opened in Aug of 2004, our peak rate now is $65... weve had a local rate for the last three years that is $50--- I dont know where you can play a quality course like this for $50... like I said we have $45 rates for locals this month and a 4some for $160 that we are running all summer... no, we are not in a hurry for a clubhouse especially with this economy, we are putting the money back into the golf course.... come check it out....