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Jill Tanner

Beach Fanatic
Jul 17, 2007
On Tuesday, December 3, 2013, global charities, families, businesses, community centers, students, and more will come together to create #givingtuesday.

Giving Tuesday is a national movement much like Cyber Monday and Small Business Saturday. This is a special day to kick off the season of charitable giving. On giving Tuesday you will be able give back online at www.foodforthoughtfl.org and there will be a one day food drive. Donations can be dropped off at the following locations: Pizza by the Sea, Beachy Beach Destin, Beachy Beach 30A, Good News United Methodist Church, Nicole Paloma and Grayt Coffee.

Giving Tuesday PosterProof2.jpg


Jill Tanner

Beach Fanatic
Jul 17, 2007
There is more to the holiday season than searching for the best deals on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Nineteen area non-profits are teaming up to promote Giving Tuesday, a first of its kind effort that will harness the collective power of a unique blend of partners—charities, families, businesses and individuals—to transform how people think about, talk about and participate in the giving season. Giving Tuesday takes place December 3, 2013, the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, and will use the power of social media to create a national campaign around the holidays dedicated to giving.

Shelter House and Food For Thought learned about Giving Tuesday and wanted to be part of the movement. Beyond merely being involved, the leadership of both organizations reached out to other area non-profits and asked them to join this call to action, culminating in a significant local collaboration.

Currently, the following Okaloosa and Walton County organizations have committed to participate in the initiative: The Boys and Girls Club of the Emerald Coast (bgcec.com), Children’s Advocacy Center, Children’s Volunteer Health Network (cvhnkids.org), Cultural Arts Alliance of Walton County (culturalartsalliance.com), Destin Charity Wine Auction Foundation (dcwaf.org), Emerald Coast Autism Center (ecautismcenter.org), Family Life Ministries (familylife-sozo.org), Food For Thought Outreach (foodforthoughtfl.org), Habitat for Humanity of Walton County (waltoncountyhabitat.org), Horizons (horizonsfwb.com), Judge Ben Gordon Visitation Center (familyvisitationcenters.org), Mattie Kelly Arts Foundation (mattiekellyartsfoundation.org), Mental Health Association (mhaow.org), Opportunity Place (okaloosawaltonhomeless.org), Shelter House (shelterhousenwfl.org), Taylor Haugen Foundation (taylorhaugen.org), White-Wilson (white-wilson.com) and Youth Village (nelliesyouthvillage.org).

Visit givingtuesdaynwf.org for more information about how to give back.



SoWal Guide
Staff member
Nov 15, 2004
South Walton, FL
#GivingTuesday is DEC 3! It is easy to give to your local non-profit group by going directly to the local Northwest Florida Giving Tuesday website and clicking on the group you love and support!

GivingTuesdayNWF.org website

Click on GIVE to see local groups, then DONATE... Give local to the excellent non-profits we're so fortunate to have in South Walton and Northwest Florida!

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