Supple introduced a plan to hold a rodeo with barrel racing, bull riding and other events. This would be on one of the soccer fields at the Sports Complex.
The event would be directed by Bo Campbell of Robertsdale, Ala. Supple pointed out that other communities hold rodeos on school football fields and similar grass areas without creating unmanageable field maintenance problems.
Nothing is scheduled for the soccer fields in April, May or June and the rodeo will be scheduled for the nights of Friday and Saturday, April 5 and 6.
Gates would open at 5:30 – 6 p.m. and events would start at 7 – 7:30 p.m. About 300 entrants are expected and attendance is project to be about 1,200 people seated in portable seats that will be brought in. It is understood that the sheriff’s office will be a sponsor. The Council responded favorably to this proposal.
Supple introduced a plan to hold a rodeo with barrel racing, bull riding and other events. This would be on one of the soccer fields at the Sports Complex.
The event would be directed by Bo Campbell of Robertsdale, Ala. Supple pointed out that other communities hold rodeos on school football fields and similar grass areas without creating unmanageable field maintenance problems.
Nothing is scheduled for the soccer fields in April, May or June and the rodeo will be scheduled for the nights of Friday and Saturday, April 5 and 6.
Gates would open at 5:30 – 6 p.m. and events would start at 7 – 7:30 p.m. About 300 entrants are expected and attendance is project to be about 1,200 people seated in portable seats that will be brought in. It is understood that the sheriff’s office will be a sponsor. The Council responded favorably to this proposal.