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Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
How many of you have received the dreaded "Err(or) 99" message, which is a general error, often indicating battery, lense or camera contacts need cleaning, but it can indicate other problems? If so, was your problem related to the shutter? If so what was your fix? If you sent it in to Canon, what was their analysis, and are you satisfied with the camera since it was repaired? Have you experienced more Err 99 messages? :dunno:


Beach Fanatic
May 28, 2007
I only got it once when the flash automatically popped up and hit the brim of my hat.

Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
I'm sure you've been googling. http://www.google.com/search?source...ls=GGLJ,GGLJ:2007-48,GGLJ:en&q=canon+error+99

The first page that came up looked helpful http://www.richardsnotes.org/archives/2005/04/29/50mm-lens-contact-points/

You might also try reading the forums and/or asking quesiton at www.dpreview.com
Yep, seen them all and probably read a few hundred comments on richardsnotes page. One or two mention shutter problems, but no one comments on how to repair that problem other than one person who suggesting using an object to force it, and I'm not going there. My guess is that with the lower prices, I can probably buy a new camera for a little more than the repair costs, which really stinks. I'm sending it off to Canon tomorrow, unless I hear a solution which works.


Staff member
Oct 15, 2004
Yep, seen them all and probably read a few hundred comments on richardsnotes page. One or two mention shutter problems, but no one comments on how to repair that problem other than one person who suggesting using an object to force it, and I'm not going there. My guess is that with the lower prices, I can probably buy a new camera for a little more than the repair costs, which really stinks. I'm sending it off to Canon tomorrow, unless I hear a solution which works.

Check Ebay prices on your model to find its market value. That might help you determine if it's worth repairing. Will the repair shop call you with an estimate?

Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
I can buy a new camera body for $329 online. I guess I would need the battery, too, since I think they changed that design, and didn't think to look to see if battery was included with the body-only camera. According to Canon, I pay for the shipping with insurance to Canon, and they check it out and give an estimate via email. Then, they will make the repair or ship it back to me, and they pick up the return shipping cost. I am really hoping that it is a simple repair and only cost something like $75. I think if repair costs come to $150+, I may try taking an object and beating it loose, and if that fails, buy a new camera body.


Beach Crab
Mar 4, 2008
Pensacola, FL
Hey Joe!

As professional photographers, we get the Error 99 on a somewhat regular basis...but that probably has more to do with the fact that we use our cameras A LOT!

The long & short of it is that I wouldn't worry about too terribly much. It's just part of having a Canon camera! The Nikon users might be right on this one!

We shoot with Canon equipment across the board, and it mostly happens with our 70-200 2.8L IS lens. My theory has always been that the weight of the lens causes the lens coupling system to come loose ever so slightly, and messes with the ability of the camera body to autofocus the lens.

It could be much simplier than that! The easiest fix is to unlock & then relock your lens. This usually gets us by to the action quickly!

Bottom line: I wouldn't throw your camera out, or buy a new one. You might try living with it for a while & see if it is a deal breaker for you.

I hope this helps!
~ Charles
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