Here is the website:
The food is distributed to students in need at Butler & Bay Elementary Schools via backpacks every Friday morning.
As the flyer states there are various drop off locations: Ohana Institute, TESLA, US Gold, Pizza by the Sea, Little Red, Simple Faith, Good News UMC, Pt Washington Church, Chapel at Crosspoint.
If these locations are not near you please let me know & I will arrange to pick up donations.
We ask that no glass jars are donated as the kids that receive our help carry the backpacks home. We are asking for the following items:
Peanut butter, jelly, granola bars, packaged snack crackers, breakfast bars, pop top cans of the following: chicken, tuna, ravioli, soup; rice, beans, pasta, pasta sauces, box juice, instant potatoes, canned veggies, fruit cups, applesauce