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Perpetual Imagination will be closing for good this weekend. We are having a FINAL SALE on Saturday, 10/18 from 10 AM - 5 PM. Fixtures and shelves will also be sold. Please join us at Back to Nature in Seaside Lyceum for a final fun hands-on science activity for kids and stop by the store to pick up some early Christmas gifts while everything is marked down. We will be open on Saturday only. Thanks to everyone for the great local support we have had!


Beach Fanatic
Oct 10, 2005
:sosad:we will miss your store. thanks for a wonderful experience. good luck in future endeavors!:D
Can you give me some idea of price and style of shelving?

Thank You

There are photos of the store on my website, www.perpetualimagination.net. You can get a pretty good idea regarding style of shelving from the pictures. If you're interested in anything, send me a PM, and I will send you prices. All of the shelves will be leaving the building no later than Sunday afternoon.
:sosad:we will miss your store. thanks for a wonderful experience. good luck in future endeavors!:D

Thanks! We had a lot of fun teaching science to kids and helping them find cool new experiments to try. We hope that many found a new love for science and technology that will go with them always. :D


Beach Fanatic
Dec 30, 2007
We were in Grayton last week and wanted to bring my grandsons in , but the store was closed, thought it was because of off season. Sorry you are closing for good, need more "not just any toy store"


SoWal Insider
Feb 14, 2006
Prairieville, La
I am so sorry to hear this. I hear the owners are just great people...:wave:

Best of luck in your new adventure, whatever it may be..:love:
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