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Ted Henry, a former TV news reporter who now conducts video interviews with spiritually guided people all over the world, will address the Emerald Coast Meditation Society on Nov. 15. Title of his talk is “The All-consuming Pursuit of Spiritual Oneness.”

The meeting will start with a 30-minute meditation at 6:30 p.m. at 480 N. Co. Hwy. 393, Santa Rosa Beach, one-half mile north of Hwy. 98. The ECMS follows no religion and does not charge.
Henry and his wife, Jody Cleary, studied with holy man Sri Sathya Sai Baba for many years in India. A Cleveland TV journalist for 38 years, Henry also reported on various religions and wisdom traditions. After he met Jody in 1986, his interest in Sai Baba was ignited. Although Sai Baba died in 2011, the two will return to India shortly after Henry’s talk for a two-month visit to his ashram in the mountainous desert in the south of India. It will be their 15[SUP]th[/SUP] trip to that country.
“Sai Baba says there is only one permissible addiction–the addiction to God,” says Henry, who pleads guilty to this addiction. Henry will describe the spiritual transformation of those who follow Sai Baba, the Eastern spiritual concept of nonduality, and what to expect when visiting one of the largest ashrams in the world. He also will show a short video that Jody wrote and produced about Sai Baba and his mission.
Henry will also speak briefly about the hour-long interviews he and Jody conduct with spiritually guided people around the world—what he calls “the most important work of my life.” Nearly 200 interviews are posted on vimeo.com/souljourns, and receive weekly viewership in the thousands.
Henry was born and raised in Canton, Ohio, but spent most of his life in Cleveland. For two years he served in the Peace Corps in a tiny village in Paraguay. He earned a B.A. degree from Kent State University in 1968 and attended graduate school at Cleveland State University. He has two adult children, Joanna and Adam. He and Jody now live in Destin about half the time, with the rest of their time spent traveling or in India.
The evening will conclude with a short guided meditation. The ECMS meets on the first and third Thursday of every month except July and August. Anyone who needs meditation instruction should arrive by 6:15 p.m. For information contact Nancy James, nancyjames@embarqmail.com.
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