The Heritage Center, 139 Miracle Strip Parkway SE, Fort Walton Beach, has two craft classes and the third installment of the Expand Your Horizons Speaker Series coming up.
For more information email or call (850) 833-9595.
Feb. 25, 10 a.m.- noon: Crocheted Rug Making
With Jean Lucas
With Jean Lucas
- Learn how to make a crocheted rug out of recycled materials in this fun class!
- Class costs $25 for the public and $20 for Friends of the Museum members (all materials are included)
- Class takes place inside the Indian Temple Mound Museum
- Advanced registration and payment is required. Please stop by, call or email to sign up or to see examples of what you will be making!
March 3, 10:a.m. - noon: Yarn Weaving with Phyllis Hunt
- Learn how to weave coasters, small baskets, or bowls out of yarn with this easy to master technique!
- Class costs $15 for the public and $12 for Friends of the Museum members
- You must bring a skein of yarn to the class
- Class takes place inside the Indian Temple Mound Museum
- Advanced registration and payment by cash or check is required. Please stop by, call or email to sign up or to see examples of what you will be making!
March 9, 6 p.m.: Dr Klaus Meyer-Arendt presents
Casino Gambling: Lessons from Mississippi
Casino Gambling: Lessons from Mississippi
- This lecture is free and open the public. This lecture will discuss the process of legalizing casino gambling, geographic restrictions of gambling, Indian gambling, and the social impacts of gambling.
- Seating is on a first come, first serve basis and the doors open 20 minutes prior to lecture start time.
- Dr Meyer-Arendt is a professor at the University of West Florida and teaches numerous classes on geography, tourism studies, and the environment
- His current research interests include coastal studies, environmental geography, coastal mapping, and tourism impacts.
For more information email or call (850) 833-9595.