I have many years experience as a landscaper
and carpenter. I would be happy to talk with you
about your garden project or your longer term
maintenance needs.
Thank You, Rick A. 830-5996
By Eco I mean:
1 Our individual actions, far from being unimportant,
are about the only thing that will help
2 Gentle measures that control a problem are better
than a highly toxic remedy that eliminates the same
pest or weed.
3 Chemical fertilizers aren't much better than chemical
and carpenter. I would be happy to talk with you
about your garden project or your longer term
maintenance needs.
Thank You, Rick A. 830-5996
By Eco I mean:
1 Our individual actions, far from being unimportant,
are about the only thing that will help
2 Gentle measures that control a problem are better
than a highly toxic remedy that eliminates the same
pest or weed.
3 Chemical fertilizers aren't much better than chemical
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