At the Oct. 20 meeting of the Emerald Coast Meditation Society, Nancy James will talk about a recent retreat she and 800 others attended with a world-renowned Vietnamese Zen Master. She calls her talk, “Present Moment, Wonderful Moment: My Five-Day Retreat With Thich Nhat Hanh.”
The ECMS meets at 6:30 p.m. at 480 N. Co. Hwy. 393, one-half mile north of U.S. Highway 98. The meeting, open to the public without charge, begins with 30 minutes of silent meditation.
The ECMS meets at 6:30 p.m. at 480 N. Co. Hwy. 393, one-half mile north of U.S. Highway 98. The meeting, open to the public without charge, begins with 30 minutes of silent meditation.