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SoWal Expert
Feb 15, 2005
[FONT=&amp]Emerald Coast Middle School of South Walton County is excited to announce the second annual Paint’n the Rays 5k & 1K Run! This community event will take place on Friday, April 25, 2014, at 5pm. [/FONT]
What is a “color run”? Runners will begin the race “clean” wearing a white race shirt, included in your entry fee, and throughout the course runners are coated with powder paint creating a work of art in motion! Course is cross country and will have an unofficial timer. Awards will be provided for the top overall male/female adults and top
overall male/female children age 12 and under. All paint is cornstarch based and non-toxic!

Who can Run? Anyone can participate. Adults $20 and Children, under 13, $10

Registration: ! Preregister by completing the form below by April 4th to guarantee a t-shirt. Registration after April 4th and day of event will not guarantee a t-shirt.
Race Day Registration and Packet-Pickup will begin at 3:30 p.m.

[FONT=&amp]The purpose of our signature event is two-fold:[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]1) To raise monies for support of the Technology Department and investment in additional Apple iPods for every student to use as an interactive learning tool with teachers. Below are a few of the key ways students currently use iPods as a valuable technology to ignite their learning each day in class: [/FONT]
~[FONT=&amp]Electronic testing-students take tests on iPods[/FONT]
~[FONT=&amp]Web research - teachers can download specific educational apps for their classes and different content needs[/FONT]
~[FONT=&amp]Digital portfolios - students create digital cloud-based portfolios to view anywhere[/FONT]
~[FONT=&amp]Formative assessment - students use iPods as a response pad during lessons [/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]2) ECMS has grown to a student body of 700 students who all live in South Walton. ECMS wants to involve families in a meaningful event that links them to the community.[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]ECMS needs your support. We have a goal to raise $20,000. There are four tiers of sponsorship: [/FONT]

Platinum Sponsorship - $2,000 Priority Sponsorship
Name/logo on all promotional and registration material, including but not limited to electronic and printed brochures; Name/logo on Color Run 2014 Facebook page; Yard sign displayed at ECMS throughout theyear; Premier position on color run Tshirt; Distribution of product or flyers to all runners; 6 complimentary race entries; Booth space

Gold Sponsorship - $1,000 -Name/logo on all promotional material; Name/logo on Color Run Facebook Page; Yard sign displayed at ECMS throughout the year; Name/logo on Tshirt; Distribution of product or flyers to all runners; 4 Complimentaryrace entries; Booth space

Silver Sponsorship - $500-Name on all promotional material; Name/logo on Color Run Facebook Page; Name on Tshirt; Yard sign
displayed at ECMS throughout the year; Distribution of product or flyers to all runners; 2 Complimentary race entries; Booth space

Bronze Sponsorship - $200- Name on yard sign displayed at ECMS throughout the year; Name listed on Color Run Facebook Page; Name listed in ECMS electronic Newsletter
[FONT=&amp]You may also donate additional funds if you wish![/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Thank you for considering supporting this South Walton school. Your support will be helping to create our future leaders of our community![/FONT]

For more information, sponsorship, and entry forms, please contact:

Jessica D'Aleo jdaleo@cox.net or
Jenny Dargavell jdarg@embarqmail.com


SoWal Guide
Staff member
Nov 15, 2004
South Walton, FL

What is a “paint’n run”? Runners will begin the race “clean” wearing a white race shirt, included in your entry fee,
and throughout the course runners are coated with paint splatters creating a work of art in motion! Course is crosscountry
and will have an unofficial timer. Awards will be provided for the top overall male/female adults and top
overall male/female children age 12 and under. All paint is cornstarch based and non-toxic!

Anyone can participate. Adults $20 and Children, under 13, $10

ECMS Paintin' the Rays RUN on facebook - for updates and info!


SoWal Expert
Feb 15, 2005

What is a “paint’n run”? Runners will begin the race “clean” wearing a white race shirt, included in your entry fee,
and throughout the course runners are coated with paint splatters creating a work of art in motion! Course is crosscountry
and will have an unofficial timer. Awards will be provided for the top overall male/female adults and top
overall male/female children age 12 and under. All paint is cornstarch based and non-toxic!

Anyone can participate. Adults $20 and Children, under 13, $10

ECMS Paintin' the Rays RUN on facebook - for updates and info!
Love this photo from 2013 race- thank you Cocoa Lainey! See the FB page for more of her great images from the race- especially what the runners look like after they get all loaded up with color during the race!

Also many many thanks to platinum sponsor Runnels Orthodontics- always such great supporters of Walton County students and the community. Several sponsorship levels are available - you can go to the FB page, or email Jessica D'Aleo jdaleo@cox.net or Jenny Dargavell jdarg@embarqmail.com for info and forms!


SoWal Expert
Feb 15, 2005
It's almost here........and if you want to run AND get the cool tshirt, you need to register by THIS Friday, 4/18. We might have a few extras for late registrations, but we can't guarantee sizes or quantities, so sign up today!

LOCAL BUSINESSES- we would LOVE to have more sponsors- our success in fundraising for the ECMS technology needs depends on the support of the South Walton business community. There are 700+ kids at ECMS- that is a LOT of families that will appreciate your generosity. Please consider supporting the school that has it all- great teachers and staff, so many sports and activities (football, basketball, baseball, softball, volleyball, cross country, tennis, cheerleading, track, dance, Beta Club, Academic team, history team, and more), and a fantastic facility that needs community support to maintain it (and the technology). It's not too late to support Emerald Coast Middle School by being a sponsor for the Fun Run!


SoWal Expert
Feb 15, 2005
The big colorful fun day is tomorrow! And it wouldn't be possible without the great Stingray students, staff, and families, and our wonderful sponsors Dr. Scott Runnels, The Lilybell Hope Foundation, Seacrest Dental, Pizza by the Sea, Gigi's, Dunlap & Shipman, The Tutoring Center, Bruno's Pizza, 30A Nails and Spa, Panhandle Orthopaedics, Beach Chairs 4 U, and Sunburst Beach Vacations!
Shoutouts to sponsors
SRB Screenprinting- awesome tshirts!
and 3 Sons Bar-B-Q- the "official" Bar-B-Q of Paintn' the Rays!
See you tomorrow! Tshirt pickup/registration starts at 3:30!
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