[FONT=&]Emerald Coast Middle School of South Walton County is excited to announce the second annual Paint’n the Rays 5k & 1K Run! This community event will take place on Friday, April 25, 2014, at 5pm. [/FONT]
What is a “color run”? Runners will begin the race “clean” wearing a white race shirt, included in your entry fee, and throughout the course runners are coated with powder paint creating a work of art in motion! Course is cross country and will have an unofficial timer. Awards will be provided for the top overall male/female adults and top
overall male/female children age 12 and under. All paint is cornstarch based and non-toxic!
Who can Run? Anyone can participate. Adults $20 and Children, under 13, $10
Registration: ! Preregister by completing the form below by April 4th to guarantee a t-shirt. Registration after April 4th and day of event will not guarantee a t-shirt.
Race Day Registration and Packet-Pickup will begin at 3:30 p.m.
[FONT=&]The purpose of our signature event is two-fold:[/FONT]
[FONT=&]1) To raise monies for support of the Technology Department and investment in additional Apple iPods for every student to use as an interactive learning tool with teachers. Below are a few of the key ways students currently use iPods as a valuable technology to ignite their learning each day in class: [/FONT]
~[FONT=&]Electronic testing-students take tests on iPods[/FONT]
~[FONT=&]Web research - teachers can download specific educational apps for their classes and different content needs[/FONT]
~[FONT=&]Digital portfolios - students create digital cloud-based portfolios to view anywhere[/FONT]
~[FONT=&]Formative assessment - students use iPods as a response pad during lessons [/FONT]
[FONT=&]2) ECMS has grown to a student body of 700 students who all live in South Walton. ECMS wants to involve families in a meaningful event that links them to the community.[/FONT]
[FONT=&]ECMS needs your support. We have a goal to raise $20,000. There are four tiers of sponsorship: [/FONT]
Platinum Sponsorship - $2,000 Priority Sponsorship
Name/logo on all promotional and registration material, including but not limited to electronic and printed brochures; Name/logo on Color Run 2014 Facebook page; Yard sign displayed at ECMS throughout theyear; Premier position on color run Tshirt; Distribution of product or flyers to all runners; 6 complimentary race entries; Booth space
Gold Sponsorship - $1,000 -Name/logo on all promotional material; Name/logo on Color Run Facebook Page; Yard sign displayed at ECMS throughout the year; Name/logo on Tshirt; Distribution of product or flyers to all runners; 4 Complimentaryrace entries; Booth space
Silver Sponsorship - $500-Name on all promotional material; Name/logo on Color Run Facebook Page; Name on Tshirt; Yard sign
displayed at ECMS throughout the year; Distribution of product or flyers to all runners; 2 Complimentary race entries; Booth space
Bronze Sponsorship - $200- Name on yard sign displayed at ECMS throughout the year; Name listed on Color Run Facebook Page; Name listed in ECMS electronic Newsletter
[/FONT][FONT=&]You may also donate additional funds if you wish![/FONT]
[FONT=&]Thank you for considering supporting this South Walton school. Your support will be helping to create our future leaders of our community![/FONT]
For more information, sponsorship, and entry forms, please contact:
Jessica D'Aleo jdaleo@cox.net or
Jenny Dargavell jdarg@embarqmail.com

[FONT=&]Emerald Coast Middle School of South Walton County is excited to announce the second annual Paint’n the Rays 5k & 1K Run! This community event will take place on Friday, April 25, 2014, at 5pm. [/FONT]
What is a “color run”? Runners will begin the race “clean” wearing a white race shirt, included in your entry fee, and throughout the course runners are coated with powder paint creating a work of art in motion! Course is cross country and will have an unofficial timer. Awards will be provided for the top overall male/female adults and top
overall male/female children age 12 and under. All paint is cornstarch based and non-toxic!
Who can Run? Anyone can participate. Adults $20 and Children, under 13, $10
Registration: ! Preregister by completing the form below by April 4th to guarantee a t-shirt. Registration after April 4th and day of event will not guarantee a t-shirt.
Race Day Registration and Packet-Pickup will begin at 3:30 p.m.
[FONT=&]The purpose of our signature event is two-fold:[/FONT]
[FONT=&]1) To raise monies for support of the Technology Department and investment in additional Apple iPods for every student to use as an interactive learning tool with teachers. Below are a few of the key ways students currently use iPods as a valuable technology to ignite their learning each day in class: [/FONT]
~[FONT=&]Electronic testing-students take tests on iPods[/FONT]
~[FONT=&]Web research - teachers can download specific educational apps for their classes and different content needs[/FONT]
~[FONT=&]Digital portfolios - students create digital cloud-based portfolios to view anywhere[/FONT]
~[FONT=&]Formative assessment - students use iPods as a response pad during lessons [/FONT]
[FONT=&]2) ECMS has grown to a student body of 700 students who all live in South Walton. ECMS wants to involve families in a meaningful event that links them to the community.[/FONT]
[FONT=&]ECMS needs your support. We have a goal to raise $20,000. There are four tiers of sponsorship: [/FONT]
Platinum Sponsorship - $2,000 Priority Sponsorship
Name/logo on all promotional and registration material, including but not limited to electronic and printed brochures; Name/logo on Color Run 2014 Facebook page; Yard sign displayed at ECMS throughout theyear; Premier position on color run Tshirt; Distribution of product or flyers to all runners; 6 complimentary race entries; Booth space
Gold Sponsorship - $1,000 -Name/logo on all promotional material; Name/logo on Color Run Facebook Page; Yard sign displayed at ECMS throughout the year; Name/logo on Tshirt; Distribution of product or flyers to all runners; 4 Complimentaryrace entries; Booth space
Silver Sponsorship - $500-Name on all promotional material; Name/logo on Color Run Facebook Page; Name on Tshirt; Yard sign
displayed at ECMS throughout the year; Distribution of product or flyers to all runners; 2 Complimentary race entries; Booth space
Bronze Sponsorship - $200- Name on yard sign displayed at ECMS throughout the year; Name listed on Color Run Facebook Page; Name listed in ECMS electronic Newsletter
[/FONT][FONT=&]You may also donate additional funds if you wish![/FONT]
[FONT=&]Thank you for considering supporting this South Walton school. Your support will be helping to create our future leaders of our community![/FONT]
For more information, sponsorship, and entry forms, please contact:
Jessica D'Aleo jdaleo@cox.net or
Jenny Dargavell jdarg@embarqmail.com