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Beach Comber
Apr 28, 2015
Debbie Revell, Animal Behaviorialist of Pets Behave Dog Training, presents "Calming Dog Reactivity," part one of a three-part educational series. The cost is $40 per session or $100 for all three. Register today at: http://dog-harmony.org/events.
Training topic: HELP! My dog barks, lunges, growls at other dogs? These dogs are reactive for a variety of reasons; fear, over stimulation, frustration, and excitement. Part two will focus on dogs that are over-reactive or aggressive around other dogs and highlight the difference between behavior modification and training. We will discuss reasons why a dog may develop a behavior problem and the keys to working with a reactive dog. You will understand how ‘trigger stacking’ can lead to an aggressive event. In order to help our young dogs develop into confident, well-adjusted pets we will discuss strategies to “bomb-proof” your dog. Videos and case studies will be presented.
When: July 13th from 9:00am to 12:30 pm

Location: 237 Market Street, Santa Rosa Beach (Dog-Harmony HQ)

Cost: $40/session

Registration: Learn to Talk Dog!


  • Learn to Talk Dog with Pets Behave Summer 2019.pdf
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