Join me and many other 30a businesses, residents, and visitors as they interact instantly via twitter, cell phones, and instant blogging at www.30abuzz.com
If you have a business, promote by blogging, or upload images, or blog to the friends you add in your profile. 100% targeted audience.
30a Buzz also connects to www.twitter.com so when you post there, it will update your Buzz and vice versa, keeping you and your customers informed of the latest events, promos and happenings on 30a
Check it out today
Join me and many other 30a businesses, residents, and visitors as they interact instantly via twitter, cell phones, and instant blogging at www.30abuzz.com
If you have a business, promote by blogging, or upload images, or blog to the friends you add in your profile. 100% targeted audience.
30a Buzz also connects to www.twitter.com so when you post there, it will update your Buzz and vice versa, keeping you and your customers informed of the latest events, promos and happenings on 30a
Check it out today