Moving to 30-A soon. I have heard absolute horror stories about local cable service. Is it really that bad, especially internet service? Is it true that if you go with Dish service, you cannot get the local CBS affiliate channels?
I just spoke to Dish last week and I was told we would have all local channels, including CBS. Guess we will find out on Thursday.
I have Dish, no CBS. I pay $86 a month, and have no pay(HBO,Showtime) channels. Have 250 total channels, but can't imagine cable wouldn't be better, just not available in my area. No problem with service, has to be a frog strangler to lose service, and usually only last a couple of minutes.
Keep us posted! That's the one thing that has always stopped us, so if you can get all the local stations and you are in Pt Washington, that's good news.