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Beach Lover
Aug 22, 2007
Is anyone else having trouble with the digital reception? When it does come in, the picture goes out and I get a "weak signal" notice. There are many times I can NOT get anything at all! Anyone else with this problem? It's rather annoying. :bang:

Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
In the old days, Jan 2009, I used to get ch 4, 7, 13, 28, and 56 -- all were analog. Then, the switch came, or i should say the fake switch came, and ch 13 changed to digital, so I had to buy a converter box to see it. Ch 4 remained in perfect reception (still analog). Ch 7 switched to broadcast at half strength, but was broadcasting in digital and analog. My reception of ch 7 change for the worse. Ch 28 and 56 seemed to also disappear, not sure what was up with that. After the most recent, and complete switch to digital, I now receive ch 13, but only at times, and when I do, the digital interruption is so great at times that I cannot hear a thing, other than sounds as if someone was drowning under water. I gave up. Ef em all. The tech guys at Ch 4 said that I need to buy separate antenna for each channel, since the towers are located in slightly different areas, but as I told him, I was receiving all of them without any trouble, nor having to readjust my antenna, when they were analog.

Seriously, I am looking forward to reading more books. The last few times I've turned on my one channel, when I can get it, I've seen the Orange Glow infomercial and a (ch13 TV - Panama City) TV auction where they were auctioning items like used boats, sofas, and other used stuff. I'm not sure what they are doing at ABC, but they must have lost a huge audience and ad money.


Beach Lover
May 10, 2009
Way over the rainbow
Chanel 4 is now UHF and may require a better antena.

I get channels 4.1 4.2 4.3 13.1 13.2 very well
Channels 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 56.1 56.2 56.3 56.4 most of the time with the 7 channels being the hardest to recieve.

If you had weak reception of an analog channel than you will probably not be able to recieve the digital channel.

Digital will either give you good reception or none at all.

The auction on 13.1 that you saw was for the Panama City Marine Institute and is a yearly event.
More info on P.C.M.I. at http://volunteer.united-e-way.org/uwnwf/org/4700159.html
Last edited:

Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
So, now I need to go buy an external UHF channel, and a long ladder, to climb up on the roof and install, in order to receive ch 4, and an extra external vhf antenna to point towards ch 7? Seems rather pricey. If Ch 4 wants to get to me, I think THEY need to buy my antenna. Same for Ch7. They both worked well on analog, and both channels said that my TV would work fine if I bought the converter box. They were wrong.


Beach Lover
Aug 22, 2007
So, now I need to go buy an external UHF channel, and a long ladder, to climb up on the roof and install, in order to receive ch 4, and an extra external vhf antenna to point towards ch 7? Seems rather pricey. If Ch 4 wants to get to me, I think THEY need to buy my antenna. Same for Ch7. They both worked well on analog, and both channels said that my TV would work fine if I bought the converter box. They were wrong.

It is so aggravating! I probably watch too much TV anyway, but I do have a few select programs - like the Today show, for one. Well no longer!! I can't get 4 or 7 but can get 13. Used to be, in the "old days," I couldn't get 13 but could get 4 and 7. Go figure.

SJ, I have a 20' ladder you're welcome to borrow.

Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
When Ch 4 pays for my new uhf antenna, I'll give you a call to ask for the ladder. Thanks. (I'm not holding my breath.)

florida girl

Beach Fanatic
Feb 3, 2006
Santa Rosa Beach
Having been through several hurricanes, when the power goes out for a week, we use a tv band radio to hear news reports, etc. What happens then when there is no electricity to run the digital converter boxes?


Beach Lover
Aug 22, 2007
Well, with stupid and embarrassed look on face, I must now admit that my previous gripe about my problem with "weak signals" was on my end. BIG SURPRISE THERE! Upon climbing onto the roof (one-story, but I don't like heights!) for the second time (first time was to trim tree branches), I twisted and cranked the #@$% out of the antenna and was able to turn it significantly. I now receive most all channels. Sweet!

BTW SJ it's a 24 footer!
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