In the old days, Jan 2009, I used to get ch 4, 7, 13, 28, and 56 -- all were analog. Then, the switch came, or i should say the fake switch came, and ch 13 changed to digital, so I had to buy a converter box to see it. Ch 4 remained in perfect reception (still analog). Ch 7 switched to broadcast at half strength, but was broadcasting in digital and analog. My reception of ch 7 change for the worse. Ch 28 and 56 seemed to also disappear, not sure what was up with that. After the most recent, and complete switch to digital, I now receive ch 13, but only at times, and when I do, the digital interruption is so great at times that I cannot hear a thing, other than sounds as if someone was drowning under water. I gave up. Ef em all. The tech guys at Ch 4 said that I need to buy separate antenna for each channel, since the towers are located in slightly different areas, but as I told him, I was receiving all of them without any trouble, nor having to readjust my antenna, when they were analog.
Seriously, I am looking forward to reading more books. The last few times I've turned on my one channel, when I can get it, I've seen the Orange Glow infomercial and a (ch13 TV - Panama City) TV auction where they were auctioning items like used boats, sofas, and other used stuff. I'm not sure what they are doing at ABC, but they must have lost a huge audience and ad money.