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Miss Critter

Beach Fanatic
Mar 8, 2008
My perfect beach
A traffic accident earlier this afternoon caused damage to the transformer that services the Destins Commons area. In order to get power back up and running, Gulf Power needs to power down the area. The entire mall is closing now - about 8PM - and will re-open tomorrow morning at the normal time.

That includes the Rave theater. If you have friends planning to head that way tonight, please pass this along.

30A Skunkape

Jan 18, 2006
Backatown Seagrove
We ate at Osaka tonight. Leaving to come home was spooky. The entire strip malls where Cracker Barrel and all that were pitch black. Even Waffle House was dark. Rapunzel observed that she had never seen one closed, and I think she was right. Cops were directing traffic with tiny flashlights at the major intersections, and tourists who didn't know where the 'minor' intersections were where there were dark signals were blowing through them instead of treating them like 4 way stops. It was scary, like driving around after a hurricane had passed through.:eek:

This is the second light mishap due to a wreck in as many weeks, as my work went dark for about 15 minutes last week (or maybe it was earlier this week) after someone hit a utility pole or such. Is driving that hard?:bang:


Beach Fanatic
Sounds positively 'other worldly' Skunky.

I can't even imagine how hard it must be to drive when one is otherwise occupied with texting, yakking on cell phones, programming a GPS, tuning the radio in (and/or the kids out), applying mascara, adjusting the boys, and all other sundry business folks engage in instead of actually 'driving'. :blink:

Miss Critter

Beach Fanatic
Mar 8, 2008
My perfect beach
Sounds positively 'other worldly' Skunky.

I can't even imagine how hard it must be to drive when one is otherwise occupied with texting, yakking on cell phones, programming a GPS, tuning the radio in (and/or the kids out), applying mascara, adjusting the boys, and all other sundry business folks engage in instead of actually 'driving'. :blink:

You forgot "shaving your bikini area." :yikes:
FHP: Driver lacked razor-sharp focus | KeysNews.com


Beach Fanatic
Oct 10, 2005
last week my DIL was having oral surgery when the power went out because someone hit a power pole...the equipment continued thanks to the back up generators, but the entire office was dark, except for tiny emergency lights...right in the middle of the surgery.

I can't imagine how scary that must have been.


FunnChef - AlisonCooks.com
Jan 11, 2006
St Petersburg
wish we had known about the power being turned off at 8:00. We had a restaurant full, but we kept on cooking and serving wine at Chan's in Destin :D Power finally came back on around 12:00, but I was already home, had to come in to work early the next morning to help clean the kitchen. Thank goodness we are a small opperation.

Cork On the Ocean

directionally challenged
wish we had known about the power being turned off at 8:00. We had a restaurant full, but we kept on cooking and serving wine at Chan's in Destin :D Power finally came back on around 12:00, but I was already home, had to come in to work early the next morning to help clean the kitchen. Thank goodness we are a small opperation.

And I bet it was still Delish! :love: I was in Destin that night and was really eerie driving home. I saw the trucks at the transformer and the thing had lots of smoke coming out of the top of it. :yikes:
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