I think Donna Burgess does watercolors of pets. I've seen lots of them at her store in Sandestine Market Shops. (Or at least I think it's a Donna Burgess store!)
Based on the watercolor and oil pastel Valentine card I made for MermanDoes Smiling Joe do watercolor? It wouldn't surprise me!
I thought Objects closed its doors.If you can find them :clap_1: ask Jim and Peggy Poteet who own the unique store, Objects, in the Grayton Stores. Their dog, Queenie, seems to show up in all kinds of paintings! AND, pictures taken at Sunset on the beach in Grayton. And, they know many artists...who show in their store.
You have many options in this area for the kind of painting you want. Look at them and you'll know who is the right artist for your dog.;-)