20 years experience across various trades. Hablo español tambien. This will come in handy for riding around to Home Depot's through out the region to find us someone to actually do the work. My requirements are $35 an hour with 40 hour minimum, $550 truck allowance monthly, $1.00 per mile on trips, and a gas card with my name on it that gets billed to you, you know what....actually make that a plain old credit card so that I can buy lunch for myself on my way out to those Home Depots and then buy dinner for your helper when he and I are on the road coming back this way for him to do your work. With regard to health insurance I will need a bronze plan or better, once the future structure of the ACA is decided then we can revisit this issue. I can likely find someone to do the work at a contract price of $200 daily (this is out of your end not mine!!). He/she will need to be put up. Do you have an extra bedroom for said person? While we are on the subject have you got two extra bedrooms? I can stay there too. I'll drop $5 per hour off my rate. I can't be reached at 850) 555-3380