It's always a great party and it's for a great cause - raising funds every year for one of our favorite local organizations - Children's Volunteer Health Network (CVHN). They see to it that all children in our area receive needed medical and dental care.
The party will take place at SoWal.com partner Bud & Alley’s Restaurant in Seaside.Our friends there will host the 10th Annual Hurricane Party on Friday, Sept. 26 from 7-10 p.m. with all proceeds benefiting CVHN.
Live entertainment will be provided by Bobby Moore & The Rhythm Aces. The event also features a live and silent auction. Select silent auction items will be posted online for a pre-auction two weeks prior to the party.
The doors will open at 7 p.m. with heavy hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar. Tickets are $ $75 with proceeds going to help CVHN fulfill its mission. If your business is interested in getting involved, there are various sponsorship levels available and opportunities to donate auction items; all proceeds from the auction go straight to CVHN. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit www.CVHNkids.org or contact CVHN at 850.622.3200 or admin@CVHNkids.org.
Call CVHN to donate your sponsorship, auction items and time (volunteers needed!).
Tickets are available NOW at http://www.cvhnkids.org/main/ai1ec_event/10th-annual-hurricane-party/?instance_id.