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Marla Burns

Beach Fanatic
Oct 28, 2007
Looking for a great way to donate your time, help out a remarkable organization, and have fun at the same time? Email Shaye with Children's Volunteer Health Network at shaye@cvhnkids.org.

We need YOUR help at
Cottages for Kids 2012​

Cottages For Kids 2012 opens this weekend! Gates will be open on weekends between Nov. 10-Nov. 24 on the East Long Green in Rosemary Beach for the public to come view and for kids to play. We NEED volunteers to help sell raffle tickets, serve as security around the Cottages and other various duties. The gates will be open the dates listed below and we will need to fill volunteers during the shifts listed. If you have some free time over the next few weekends or want to organize a group to volunteer, please email the time you are interested and how many volunteers you can bring!!​
Volunteers of all ages are welcome!​
Sat. Nov. 10 :: 9:30a-1p & 12:45p-4:15p
Sun. Nov. 11 :: 9:30a-1p & 12:45p-4:15p
Sat. Nov. 17 :: 9:30a-1p & 12:45p-4:15p
Sun. Nov. 18 :: 9:30a-1p & 12:45p-4:15
Thurs. Nov. 22 (Thanksgiving):: 10:30a-2:15p
Fri. Nov. 23 :: 9:30a-1p & 12:45p-4:15
Sat. Nov. 24 :: 9:30a-2:15p
This is a FUN, FAMILY-FRIENDLY event
and we hope to see you all there!!

Email SHAYE if you can help with one (OR a few) shifts!​
Children's Volunteer Health Network, Inc.
PO Box 2142 | Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32459 | 850.622.3200
www.cvhnkids.org | www.facebook.com/cvhnkids

MISSION: We seek to enhance the lives of uninsured and underinsured school-aged children by facilitating free immediate access to medical, dental, vision and mental health care.
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