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SoWal Guide
Staff member
Nov 15, 2004
South Walton, FL
Children’s Volunteer Health Network is pleased to announce details for our favorite event…Cottages for Kids! Yes, we are back and excited for our fifth year! During the month of November, the playhouses are displayed on the beautiful lawns of Rosemary Beach on Highway 30-A.

The cottages are built by local builders, architects and decorators, and new this year – you can participate virtually as well as personally! Each cottage will be raffled through ticket sales on-site and on-line. All of the proceeds support the Children’s Volunteer Health Network (CVHN) mission.

The designs are “earth friendly and kid approved.” The materials must be safe and healthy for kids and good for the environment. This unique event offers a great way to entertain all of your family and friends. Make plans now to visit these one-of-a-kind playhouses or view virtual tours at www.cottagesforkids.org beginning Saturday, November 12. Winners announced Saturday, November 26 at 2pm.

CVHN Cottages for Kids takes place in November of 2011 on the East Long Green in Rosemary Beach, Florida. The cottages are in a fenced area on the green and available for viewing anytime.

The tour dates and times are as follows:

Friday 11/11 at 5:00pm
CFK 2011 Kickoff Party
Tickets go on sale (Kickoff Party & Online)Location: Crabby Steve’s

Saturday 11/12
Gates open at 10:00am

Gates will be open the following dates & times:
Saturday 11/12 10am-4pm
Sunday 11/13 10am-4pm
Saturday 11/19 10am-4pm
Sunday 11/20 10pm-4pm

-Thanksgiving Day-
Thursday 11/24 11am-2pm

Friday 11/25 10pm-4pm & 5pm-7pm
-Raffle Winners Announced at 2pm-
Saturday 11/26 10am-2pm


SoWal Guide
Staff member
Nov 15, 2004
South Walton, FL


Staff member
Oct 15, 2004
Photos and video of the event can be seen at

Children's Volunteer Health Network (CVHN) recently held one if it's most popular annual events, Cottages for Kids, which raised over $13,000 to help local uninsured and underinsured children gain access to medical, dental and mental healthcare. Three cottages were brought from dream to reality by area builders, architects and designers then displayed on the beautiful lawns of Rosemary Beach on Highway 30-A throughout the month of November.

The builders included Velvet Sun Builders, Randy Wise Homes and Davis Dunn Construction. The event encourages builders to work with others in the community to create new ideas each year. The Freeport High School Key Club and Solar Energy Tech Class played a major role in building the Sea Plane, while Studio : A : Architecture and Andrea Plunk helped create the Popsicle Cottage which delivered popsicles to children throughout the event.

The Tadpole Cottage displayed bunk beds, fun kid's décor and entertained kids in two sections connected with a deck in front. Each builder team invested time, talent and some elbow grease to design, build and display their cottages. All materials were donated by the teams and area businesses.

Director, Zach Billingsley says, "This event exemplifies exactly what this community is about. Giving people from all walks of life coming together to share their talents to help create something that benefits those less fortunate. We had volunteers from age 15 to age 80, builder teams made up of high school students, and support from so many local businesses. Everyone had a great time, we received a lot of positive feedback and we're planning to grow the event in 2012."

We wish to again, thank all of our sponsors for their generous support. Our 2011 Sponsors include The Hidden Lantern, Rosemary Beach Foundation, The Merchants of Rosemary Beach, 30a.com, SoWal.com, Gigi's Fabulous Kids Fashions and Toys, Willow, SoWal Ink, Harbor Made Creative Design Services, Copy Systems, Florida Dreams Properties, Andrews and Arnsdorff Realty, Sandestin Real Estate, H&M Tents, Crabby Steve's, Professional Lawn Care and Sherwin Williams. Without the charitable contributions of these businesses, Cottages for Kids would not be possible.

Builders, teams and sponsors are encouraged to contact the CVHN office now to reserve an entry for 2012.

CVHN, a 501(c)3 organization, founded on the belief that all kids deserve to be happy and healthy, has facilitated over 5,800 free dental, medical and mental health care services for more than 2,500 children through volunteer providers in Okaloosa and Walton county. Cottages for Kids supports CVHN's ongoing efforts and creates awareness about the health care crisis of the uninsured and underinsured children in our communities. Please visit www.cottagesforkids.org or www.cvhnkids.org or call 850-622-3200 for more information​

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