My first job testing and installing computers was in 1980. I started my own computer store, Fischer Micro in 1991 in the Dallas area, by 1995 we grew to about 25 employees and were building 400+ systems per month. Many were for individuals but many for business as well. We did network installs on a lot of them. Usually 25 systems or less. We built custom configurations for the video game industry, telecom systems, as well as web servers. Our first online store was launched in 1993. We were selected by MicroSoft in 1995 to be one of 20 beta testers for a new storefront package they had called MicroSoft Merchant. When Yahoo first started they put out a print publication to promote the Internet called Yahoo Internet Life. In 1995 we were listed as one of the top 100 sites in their publication. In 1982 I went to the University of North Texas in computer science. The retail store was closed in 1998 and I sold excess computer inventory until 2005 on I aciquired inventory by purchasing loads of returns from large chain stores, repaired them and resold them. In 2005, I attempted to start a wireless isp here in South Walton but that venture folded. During all this time I've always done my own programming and web development with a variety of langauages and automation tools.
Let me know if there's anything in particular you're wondering about as far as experience and give me a call if I can help.
Gary Fischer