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Beach Lover
I have an idea but unsure if it could get me in trouble. Could we have a thread where we discuss any poor business practices with local businesses, or companies that treat employees badly? So we know who to avoid?

I have had a few experiences in town that I would like to name names, but I don't want to get sued. it wouldn't be 'defamation of character', as it is experiences that actually happened to me.

I suppose it could be 'blind' items.


Staff member
Oct 15, 2004
It wouldn't be you that would get sued. The problem with trashing people or entities, even if deserved, is that it makes you look bad.

Keep in mind that things happen in business which the business owner can't always control at the time. Mistakes are made in every endeavor. The crucial thing is how the people at the business recover and address the mistakes. Now if you as an employee were treated badly, my advice is to take the high road.

But I don't see any reason why you can't post evenhanded, measured, and honest advice for others. That's kind of the whole idea here.


Beach Fanatic
Oct 10, 2005
IMO better to post all the positive experiences...the market/and word of mouth information will automatically take care of those less than perfect companies. Just my 2cents

Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
I've always said, if you don't hear locals talking about it, or see locals eating there, you may want to avoid it. Anyone can write the bad stuff, but when you see the good stuff written, you know that it must have been extra special, because in today's world having average experience doesn't make people take up a pen and start writing. Just go for the places of good reviews. Occasionally, you may want to try something new, and that is okay, too. If you have a great experience there, note it with compliments. If you have a bad experience, chalk it up to, "i should have noticed that the locals avoid it like the plague."
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