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Gwen Break

Beach Fanatic
Aug 2, 2011
South Walton, near the bay
A 2012 Back-To-School-Supply Drive for children in need at local schools will be held the whole month of August at the Coastal Library in South Walton. Items can be dropped off during library hours from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesday–Friday. and Mondays 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Items listed below are examples of things needed for the new school year.

24- or 64-count crayons, construction paper, Primary writing tablet, Primary Journal by Mead (Wal-Mart has them) also called early Creative Story Tablets, 10 x 7.5 inch nylon pencil pouch, plastic school box, backpacks, bottles of white glue, pencil top erasers, washable markers , Ticonderoga pencils, three-pronged solid-colored folders, glue sticks, Pink Pearl erasers , Fiscar scissors, boxes of Kleenex, skinny Expo Markers, hand held pencil sharpener with shavings container, Primary composition notebooks, hand sanitizer, colored pencils, wide ruled papers, 3-ring binders, graph paper, rulers, index cards, spiral notebooks.

For more information call: Dianne McManus at 850-240-1103, or Linda Thompson, 850-267-2809.

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