Click to download order form - Christmas Trees, Wreaths & Roping For Sale at SWMA | South Walton Montessori Academy
For the past 5 years SWMA has been selling beautiful Frasier Fir trees, wreaths and garland to Walton County. These trees are sold at cost to our school from Holly Branch Farms in Dothan, AL. They purchase the trees direct from North Carolina, and with this partnership, our school gets to raise funds for our classrooms. These trees are #1 grade, the best you can buy. The trees sold at grocery/hardware stores are #3 grade. There is a confident guarantee that you will love the tree you purchase from SWMA! Don?t forget we are a non-profit and this may be tax deductable for you. Please forward this to family, friends, coworkers and all of your email buddies! Thank you!
Fax orders to 850-231-5955 or email.