Cheapest Driveway- Cost: Labor & Bug Spray
We have a fairly long driveway and in the past have flagged down the company contracted to cut the right of way for Chelco. They have a huge wood chipper and are always looking for places to dump the chips. They’ve always been more than happy to dump a load in our driveway. It takes some work to get them spread (and pull out the pieces that are too large) but for us, it is worth it for the price. Our driveway is probably 200 feet or more and the cost of this (FREE) compared to other materials made it very attractive! Some neighborhoods may not allow it, but if you are currently parking on grass, then I'm guessing your neighbors wouldn't have a problem with it.
Cons: The worst thing about wood chips is that there are tons of bugs so the area will need to be sprayed. Also, If you have an uneven spot and it rains heavily they may wash away to the lower areas.
Not sure if this helps much since Chelco only cuts areas about every 5 years, but thought I'd toss it out there.