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Hey John, you might see if there might be a way to contact older churches with your elevator idea. You may find one trying to retrofit to offer ADA access. Can your elevator be modified to hit only two floors if that is what is in the area for churches?
I outfitted two churches when I was back in MN and got a great deal because I hooked the two churches together in the deal and they both got a better deal that they could afford.
I would think any older building looking to update their ADA position would be interested.
Habitat for humanity possibly? I realize that's a donation, but could you use the right off?
I'm having a great time dealing with the IRS and a $500,000 assessment right now. Yesterday they'd subordinate, the day before they wouldn't, 5 days ago they would, 10 days ago they wouldn't. My revenue officer and I are all but dating we chill together so much. I'll ask her tomorrow about your idea. Can I give her your number in case she has any questions about the logistics???
I prefer to keep my distance from the IRS. Have you considered calling Roni Deutch?![]()