If you do not have any plans for Saturday the South Walton Professional Fire Fighters Association in conjunction with the South Walton Fire District will behosting an event at Helen McCall Park. The even will be called "A Day forDanny". There will be activities for the family and the day will be topped off with a softball game between the SWFD and WCSO.
This is a fundraising event to raise money for Firefighter/Paramedic DannyMargagliano. Danny was injured in a diving accident and has been left paralyzed. SWFD and SWPFFA are actively trying to raise money to help support our injured brother and the Sherriff's department has been nice enough to step up and take our challenge to play a exhibition game to help raise money. So, if you are not busy come on out and enjoy “A Day for Danny".
Henry Apfelbach, President
South Walton Professional Fire Fighters
If you do not have any plans for Saturday the South Walton Professional Fire Fighters Association in conjunction with the South Walton Fire District will behosting an event at Helen McCall Park. The even will be called "A Day forDanny". There will be activities for the family and the day will be topped off with a softball game between the SWFD and WCSO.
This is a fundraising event to raise money for Firefighter/Paramedic DannyMargagliano. Danny was injured in a diving accident and has been left paralyzed. SWFD and SWPFFA are actively trying to raise money to help support our injured brother and the Sherriff's department has been nice enough to step up and take our challenge to play a exhibition game to help raise money. So, if you are not busy come on out and enjoy “A Day for Danny".
Henry Apfelbach, President
South Walton Professional Fire Fighters
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