Can anyone recommend a reliable, affordable mover in the area? I'm moving to New Orleans and have a 3-bdrm house full of furniture. Thanks for any help!
He's local and affordable. Owner's name is Mike. If you google "santa rosa beach movers" or "destin movers" he's on the 1st page on the very top of them under the google maps local listings section with some reviews too. My neighbor across the street used him and was really pleased. tell him snowman recommended you
ps. i didn't mean to make a link like that. i just tried to cut and paste his website url and it made that appear. the website url is
I actually used them to come here and they were excellent! Though they weren't overpriced, I'm just hoping I can get a better price so am shopping around first. If I don't find a better $, at least I know they are tried and true! Thanks for your help!